
geom_rect is a geometry layer for rectangles drawing which are defined by four corners (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).


xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, fill, group, line type, size classic aesthetics properties

Similar Geometries

geom_raster, geom_tile, geom_polygon

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a geometric object into your data visualization – layer of rectangles that are defined by four positional aesthetic properties – xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the Primitives button.

We can add rectangles into data visualization through three geometry layer types – geom_raster, geom_tile and geom_rect. Each geometry type is defined in a different way. In this section, we describe the definition of geom_rect layer in a simple example. The squares are defined by coordinates of four corners – xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. Geometry can be mapped to the selected dataset variables or you can set it directly by inserting static coordinates. In the following example, we'll show how to define the geom_rect layer directly by coordinates entering. If you set coordinates directly, leave the data property blank. Into the positional properties we add coordinates of two rectangles in the form of vectors (through the c() function). Finally, we define the fill property in the same way – we enter two colors in the vector. The result is shown in the following chart.

This is a very simple example where we define static values. In addition to this approach, you can map these properties to variables from the selected dataset.