
Rotated version of geom_errorbar.


y, xmin, xmax required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, group, line type, size, height classic aesthetics properties

Similar Geometries

geom_crossbar, geom_errorbar, geom_linerange, geom_pointrange

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a simple geometric object into your data visualization – error bar interval that is based on positional aesthetics y, xmin and xmax. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

geom_errorbarh belongs to a group of geometries to Plot errors. As an example, we can use built-in iris dataset. The following visualization shows the relationship between the Sepal_Width and Sepal_Length variables.

If you want to display measurement error of the Sepal_Length variable, you can use described geometry layer. You must define the positional aesthetic properties y, xmin and xmax. In our case, we map the x parameter to the Sepal_Width variable. Then must be defined the horizontal interval. You can define these positions using separate (independent) variables from the dataset or using the same variable, adjusted by constant value or by function. For the following example, we used the definition of horizontal range by one variable, which was modified by the same constant value (0.1).

If you also want to display a measurement error in the vertical direction (Sepal_Width variable), add the geom_errorbar geometry layer into your visualization and define it in the same way. The result may look like in the following data visualization.