
Rug plot is a compact visualization designed to supplement a 2D display with the two 1D marginal distributions. Rug plots display individual cases so are best used with smaller datasets.


x, y required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, group, line type, size classic aesthetics properties

Other Properties

sides controls which sides of the plot the rugs appear on

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a geometric object into your data visualization – marginal lines that are defined by one positional aesthetic property. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

The definition of geom_rug is very simple. We define positional aesthetic parameters (x and y) and choose the plot sides on which we want to see the marginal lines. You can display them on one or more sides (top, right, bottom and left). The example is shown in the following plot.

As with other geometries, you can work with several aesthetic properties. The following graph shows an example, where we set directly the thickness of marginal lines and we mapped the color property to cyl variable from the dataset.