How to Family, Font Face & Line Height Aesthetics

As well as hjust and vjust also the fontface, family and lineheight aesthetic properties are related with text geometries (geom_text, geom_label). For fontface property you can use features that are hidden in the context-menu.

In general, you can set the fontface property to plain, bold and italic. Examples are shown in the following figure.

With the next aesthetic, you can set the fontfamily. By default, you can choose from three fonts (serif, sans and mono) that are available on all systems. These you can choose from the list in context-menu. If you want to choose from all fonts that are available on your computer, click on the More… item in context-menu.

From displayed dialog you can (by double-click) choose required font.

An example of special font use in data visualization is displayed on the next figure.

Finally, the last property remains, named lineheight.This easthetic defines spacing between lines in the case of multi-line text.