
Geometry layer geom_point is used to create scatter plot, which is most useful for display the relationship between two variables.


x, y required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, fill, shape, size, stroke classic aesthetics properties

Similar Geometries

geom_count, geom_bin2d, geom_hex, geom_density2d

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a geometric object into your data visualization – point layer that is defined by two positional aesthetic properties x and y. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

Point geometry is the easiest to understand, the simplest to setup and most useful. Therefore, its support in also significant in the Stagraph. This geometry is defined through three properties. Firstly, we must to define selected dataset (the data property). In the second step, we map two positional aesthetic properties – x and y. In the following examples, we will use built-in diamonds dataset and on axis we map the carat and price variables. The result is shown in the following plot.

By default, black points are displayed. Visual properties, we can statically setup or map to selected dataset variables. In the following chart we set the color of the points to dodger blue and the transparency (alpha property) was set to 0.08.

In the next step, we mapped the color property of points to the diamonds color variable. The program automatically generates categorical color scale and applies it to individual points in the data visualization. The result is shown in the following figure.

Point geometry includes one important aesthetic parameter – shape that defines the shape of points. You can set this property to static value or map it to the selected dataset variable. If you want to set the point shape, you can use the features that are hidden in the property context menu. After click on the Set Point Type… item, you will see a help dialog, from which you can select the point shape for geometry. More about setting and mapping of point shapes is in separate chapter.

In the next step, we’ll show how to use the geom_point geometry to Plot categorical values. For this example, we will use also the diamonds dataset. On the axis we map categorical variables color and cut. The color property we mapped to the price variable. The result is shown in the following plot.

In the result is clear high points overplotting and we do not see the number of points in each category. For better perception, we can change the position property from default identity value to jitter. With this setting, a small random movement will be added to points coordinates, according to the width and height parameters. The result will be as in the following figure. From this view, is immediately clear the quantity of points (especially low) and the variability of the diamonds price in individual sub-categories.