
Perform a 2D kernel density estimation using kde2d and display the results with contours. This can be useful for dealing with overplotting. This is a 2d version of geom_density.


x, y required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, line type, group, size classic aesthetics properties

Other Properties

contour if TRUE, contour the results of the 2d density estimation
n number of grid points in each direction
h Bandwidth – vector of length two. If NULL, estimated using bandwidth.nrd

Computed Variables

level height of contour

Similar Geometries

geom_hex, geom_bin2d, geom_count, geom_contour

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a 2D density geometric object into your data visualization – a contours defined by position aesthetics x and y. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

Like geom_bin2d and geom_hex, the geom_density_2d layer is also used to display continuous bivariate distribution. As an example we will use diamonds dataset. We map variable carat to the x axis and price variable to y-axis. If we use geom_point layer, there is a significant overplotting.

If we want to see the distribution of values in 2d space, you can use the described geometry. We define it as well as the geom_point geometry – using positional aesthetic parameters x and y. Subsequently, the program processes density estimation and the result is displayed as contour lines.

These contour lines display the values from computed variable named level. Values from this variable you can use for geometry definition. In the following figure, we used this variable to map contour lines color. Computed variables are in aesthetic properties mapped by their names, which are closed on both sides using two dots.

As with other geometries, the usability of geom_density_2d is considerably expandable when you combine it with other objects. The following figure shows the 2d density estimation of diamonds, which we modified (colorfully) using the scale_color_gradient object and plots are divided in the visualization into a “small multiples” using the facet_wrap object. As a result, the chart shows the relationship between the price of diamonds and the value carat and individual plots are broken down by cut variable, which defines qualitative categories of diamonds.