
Geometry representing a vertical interval defined by x, y, ymin and ymax. Each case draws a single graphical object.


x, y, ymin, ymax required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, fill, line type, group, size classic aesthetics properties

Similar Geometries

geom_crossbar, geom_linerange

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a simple geometric object into your data visualization – a line with point that are defined by a position aesthetic parameters x, y, ymin and ymax . You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

Using this geometry, you can display a range of y values at a defined value on the x-axis. We often use this geometry for error visualizing. For the following examples, we will use a simple dataset consisting of five variables and four records.

We map to the x axis the trt variable. The y, ymin and ymax ranges we map to the resp, upper and lower variables. Finally, we map the color aesthetic to the group variable. The result is shown in the following plot.

You can adjust the point size using the fatten parameter. In the following plot, we set this property to 10.