
geom_bin2d divides 2D plane into rectangles, counts the number of cases in each rectangle, and then (by default) maps the number of cases to the rectangle's fill. This is a useful alternative to geom_point in the presence of overplotting.


x, y required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, fill, line type, size, weight classic aesthetics properties

Other Properties

bins numeric vector giving number of bins in both vertical and horizontal directions. Set to 30 by default
binwidth numeric vector giving bin width in both vertical and horizontal directions. Overrides bins if both set
drop if TRUE, removes all cells with 0 counts

Computed Variables

count number of points in bin
density density estimate
ncount count, scaled to maximum of 1
ndensity density estimate, scaled to maximum of 1

Similar Geometries

geom_hex, geom_density2D

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a simple geometric object into your data visualization – a rectangles defined by a position aesthetics properties (x and y) and count computed variable. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

geom_bin2d is most commonly used to display continuous bivariate distribution. For example, we use diamonds dataset that contains over 60,000 records. An example of the relationship between the price of diamonds and carats is shown in the following figure.

In this case, we see significant overplotting. The 2D distribution can be viewed using geom_bin2d geometry. In this case, the area of the chart is divided into squares and the number of points is calculated under each square. This number is then mapped as a Computed Variable to aesthetic property fill. The example is shown in the following figure. For definition, simply select the dataset and map variables to the aesthetic positional properties x and y.

The program automatically generates 30 bins. This number is not always appropriate. That's why you can redefine this number using the bins property. In the following figure, we changed the bins parameter to 60, which means that the program creates a double number of rectangles.

The second method for bins defining is the binwidth property. If you define both properties (bin & binwidth), program uses bindwidth. If you use the binwidth, you need to define the width and height of the rectangle. These two values are defined in c() function. The example is shown in the following figure. From this example it is clear that the width and height of rectangles may vary.

Under Properties section is one more property – drop. By default, it is set to TRUE and this means that all rectangles without points are deleted. If you set drop to FALSE, all cells are displayed in plot.

More options you can apply if you use described geometry along with object from scale_fill group. For example, the following figure shows geom_bin2d layer with scale_fill_gradient object. We use the color scale to display geometry layer in rainbow palette and this scale was applied to cells where count > 1. All rectangles with 1 point are shown in gray (na.value property).

Similarly, you can use geom_hex layer. This geometry is defined in the same way, but result values are rendered in hexagons.