
geom_step creates a staired plot, highlighting exactly when changes occur.


x, y required position aesthetics
alpha, colour, group, line type, size classic aesthetics properties

Similar Geometries

geom_line, geom_path

Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a simple geometric object into your data visualization – a line steps that are defined by positional aesthetic properties. You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

If you want to create stairs plot, use the geom_step geometry. Lines are defined for this geometry by two positional aesthetic properties – x and y. For the next example, we’ll use the built-in dataset economics, from which we’ve selected the first three years. Subsequently, we mapped the date and unemployment variables. The result is shown in the following plot.

As in other cases, you can work with multiple aesthetic properties. The following graph shows an example, where we mapped the color property to the pop dataset variable.

Finally, we can also define the line thickness. We mapped the size property to a function composed of two variables psavert/price. The result is shown in the following visualization.