
Adds text layer directly to the plot.


x, y required position aesthetics
label aesthetic that defines rendered text
alpha, angle, colour, family, font face, group, hjust, vjust, line height, size classic aesthetics properties

Other Properties

parse If TRUE, the labels will be parsed into expressions and displayed as described in plotmath
nudge_x, nudge_y Horizontal and vertical adjustment to nudge labels by. Useful for offsetting text from points, particularly on discrete scales
check_overlap If TRUE, text that overlaps previous text in the same layer will not be plotted

Similar Geometries


Description and Details

Using the described geometry, you can insert a simple text layer into your data visualization that is defined by a positional aesthetic properties x, y and label (displayed string). You can find this geometry in the ribbon toolbar tab Layers, under the 2D button.

Text layers you can add using two geometries, namely geom_text and geom_label. To insert a text layer into a graph, you need to define the positional aesthetic parameters x, y and the dataset variable that contains the text that you want to insert into the graph. An example of the geom_text layer inserted in the chart is shown in the following figure. We used the built-in mtcars dataset. The position of text strings was defined using the wt and mpg variables and as the text we display the row names from selected dataset.

The text layer in graph is not well-readable due to intense text overlapping. If you want to see only labels that are not overlapped, you can do it through the check overlap property. If the check overlap check-box is set to TRUE, only non-overlapped labels will be displayed. If FALSE is set, all labels will be drawn. An example of a non-overlapped labels display is shown in the following figure.

As with other geometries, you can define a text layer with several aesthetic properties. The individual aesthetic properties are described in detail in separate chapters. An example of working with the aesthetic properties is shown in the following plot. The same aesthetic properties can also be used for geom_label. In the following plot, we mapped the label color to the cyl dataset variable. Other parameters we have defined using static values – size, rotation, font family and font face.

If we map multiple aesthetic properties in the same way, legends for all aesthetics will be unified into one. In the following example, the cyl variable was mapped to the color and size property.

Your text labels are positionally defined by two coordinate values (x and y). By default, individual labels are centered to this coordinate. Using the horizontal and vertical alignment you can set label alignment. The following illustration shows an example where individual labels were aligned horizontally to the left and in vertical direction to the top. For aligning, you can also use special types – inward and outward. Detailed description can be found in separate chapter.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to display a more specific label types, for example, complex formulas. Formulas can be in text layers defined using mathematical annotations. In this case, we put to label property mathematical expression that will be interpreted and formatted according to TeX-like rules. Using this expression, you can also insert very complex forms of equations into the chart. This expression is not quite simple for beginners. That's why in Stagraph was created a help dialog for mathematical expressions definition. Dialog you can display form the context menu if you click on the Mathematical Annotation… item.

The dialog will appear as in the following figure. On the left is a list of equation examples that you could use. After double-click on the selected one, it is inserted into a script editor that contains features such as syntax highlighting or code autocompletion (for mathematical annotations). In the script editor, you can combine multiple equations from the list and finalize into the required form. If your equation is complete, press the Apply button and your R script will be inserted into the label aesthetic property text-box.

You can define as a static equation that will be the same for all cases or dynamic where we combine a static definition with dataset variables. The example is displayed in the following graph.

In this case, we mapped positional aesthetics to the wt and mpg variables. The label was created as a combination of two variables in the form of equation wt(cyl). In this way, you can create very complex forms of text layers.

In a similar way (mathematical expressions) you can define text descriptions for legend, axis or plot title. More about these options will be discussed in the chapters that will be dedicated to individual data visualization object.